Borandá: A Visual Identity for Atlantic Rain Forest Conservation

Connecting Nature and Urban Audiences

Borandá is an initiative that aims to encourage society to visit Atlantic Rain Forest conservation units. The visual identity, created by Gabriela Namie & André Jun Ioneda, combines colorful and organic shapes inspired by nature with a modern-urban scenario, appealing to both nature enthusiasts and those who are not accustomed to visiting conservation units.

The name Borandá is derived from the Portuguese words "bora" (let's) and "andar" (walk), creating a playful and indigenous-sounding word that calls the audience to action. The visual identity of Borandá creates a path of trails, with a main line that camouflages itself in illustrations, conveying the message that visiting the Atlantic Rain Forest is a way to preserve it.

The unique feature of Borandá lies in its ability to connect with both the organic and colorful shapes of the rainforest and the urban environment, which is the context of the main audience. The logo's modular shapes can be adjusted to mimic trail lines, creating a cohesive visual language that extends to illustrations and typography.

The realization of Borandá involved collaboration between WWF, Together Agency, and Barca Studio. Together Agency conducted extensive research and developed a marketing plan to understand the target audience and context. Barca Studio visited conservation units and consulted with trail administrators to create a comprehensive briefing. The visual elements were tested in digital media and on the trails, ensuring that they could be easily produced and applied in stencil form on trees.

The technical specifications of Borandá include five logo versions based on trail lines, available in RGB and CMYK color profiles in various file formats. The institutional colors of the main palette include orange, yellow, pink, purple, and blue, representing the vibrancy and diversity of the Atlantic Rain Forest.

Borandá's visual identity system is designed to be versatile and adaptable. The main line serves as a guiding element, allowing other brand elements such as illustrations, logos, and texts to revolve around it. This flexibility enables the identity to be incorporated seamlessly into the Atlantic Rain Forest and promotional materials, making it stand out in both natural and urban settings.

The Borandá project began in February 2015 in São Paulo and was completed in September 2015. It was launched in Curitiba in September 2015, marking the start of its mission to promote the conservation of the Atlantic Rain Forest.

The design process for Borandá involved extensive research and collaboration. Barca Studio conducted workshops with the WWF team and consulted with trail administrators to gain insights into the needs of the brand. Together Agency conducted audience and context studies to provide further insights for the visual identity. The challenge was to create a visual identity that would connect with both nature enthusiasts and urban audiences. The approval of the brand by a wide range of stakeholders, including WWF members and trail administrators, ensured that it resonated with the context and needs of the Atlantic Rain Forest.

Borandá's visual identity has been recognized with the Silver A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category in 2016. This prestigious award acknowledges the outstanding expertise and innovation demonstrated by the design, which showcases remarkable technical characteristics and artistic skill. Borandá evokes positive feelings, amazement, and wonder, making it a truly remarkable and impactful visual identity for the conservation of the Atlantic Rain Forest.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Gabriela Namie and Jun Ioneda
Image Credits: Gabriela Namie Andre Jun Ioneda
Project Team Members: Graphic designer and Creative director: Gabriela Namie Graphic designer and Creative director: Andre Jun Ioneda
Project Name: Boranda
Project Client: Gabriela Namie and Jun Ioneda

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Boranda IMG #5

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